Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Reading Diary B: Week 3

I think that all the tricks Ravana has tried to use on Sita are incredibly torturous. First off he tricks her with sending a beautiful deer knowing it would spike her interest and she would send Rama after it, then he took advantage of her nice character by posing as a beggar in need of help, then when he took her as prisoner he sought her love and to try to persuade her to love him he sends all these women to whisper horrible things in her ear about herself to make her go crazy, then he tries to trick her by staging a head looking like her beloved's in order to get her to think him as dead and she does buy into this for a second and a lot of these times she contemplates suicide. Ravana is an awful person and he does not deserve Rama's mercy when they are face to face in battle and he is given one more day to recollect himself and gather weapons. Rama could have killed him right then and there. Rama has a character that is very kind and logical, careful as to not cause ill karma on himself or his family and is thoughtful in everything he does. A big funeral for Ravana is very honorable and he does not deserve this but this shows a lot about Rama's character since Ravana was a king to many. I was surprised that Sitar had to go through a test to indicate she is truthful in her words of not being touched by Ravana but I am glad they are finally reunited and are able to return to their kingdom. Happy endings are always good to read and I did not know what to expect from a story like this but was pleasantly surprised at the ending. Also, I thought Hanuman or Sugriva were sure to die in the battle but it is nice they got to come back to the city with Raman and attend his coronation in human form--not sure why they had to be in human form and not their monkey selves but either way is cool.

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