Monday, September 22, 2014

Famous Last Words: Week 5

This past week was super stressful but I have prevailed! I am pretty sure I did my WORST writing in my Social Theory class and it bums me out when I do not feel confident in my work..(probably why I skip the storytelling post sometimes) eeeekkkkk. Hopefully I will get the hang of those papers in there and it won't affect my grade too bad. In this class however I feel confident in my grades but I still get so stressed out over meeting the deadlines, pretty sure this is the class I have the most work due but since it is not too hard to do I need to calm down and stop overthinking, I am very appreciative of these extra credit assignments that are available because they can act as a cushion if needed. I really liked the storybook assignment though, it is coming together nicely and reading other people's introductions so far have made me excited to see how they all turn out. I thought mine would be kind of boring but I managed to get myself interested in doing it so it is going to be more fun than work, yay! Outside of school though I lost my debit card and someone found it and went on a shopping spree at wal-mart I guess spending over $100:( Luckily my bank said I could get my money back but it could be a while..not like I don't have bills to pay :/ on top of that my car battery decided to die completely and those aren't cheap... $$ rules everything doesn't it?
Okay rant over.
This weekend I got to see one of my best friends and I have not seen her in forever. I forgot how great it can be to just catch up with people you care about, stress relieving as well. I also get to spend some time with two of my other best friends this coming up weekend at a corvette club race practice event. My friend's parents and her race corvettes so that is totally cool!
Great quote from


  1. Hey, Brittany! I’m so sorry you had such a rough week! I can’t even imagine- one thing after another. However, like you said, you have prevailed and it’s all over. I’m glad you can get the money back on your debit card- I’m always afraid mine’s going to be taken or something. As for your quote, I really like it! Hope this week is better!

  2. Hi Brittany!
    I can TOTALLY relate to this post. I am also having a hard time meeting the deadlines in this class. I have no idea why, it's the same schedule each week...but for some reason, I always feel one step behind. This class has been way more work than I expected, but (as you said) thank God for extra credit. It's been a life saver.
    I ALSO had a problem with my debit card. I tried to withdrawal money and it completely shut down. I didn't realize how much I use it until I didn't have it.
    I hope your next week goes a little smoother. Good luck with everything!

  3. Sorry that you had a rough week and hope things are looking up now. I also struggle with the deadlines and often have to use the following morning to get things done. This is probably one of my easiest semesters at OU since I am a senior and have finished all of my dental school requirements. However, I'm kept quite busy with all of the small work I have daily in each of my classes. That's awesome that your friend's parents race corvettes, my dad actually owns a special edition one that I love to take out any time I get the chance to. Hope all is well.

  4. Hey Brittany!
    You are not alone in having difficulty meeting this class's deadlines. I wish they were all just due by the end of the week. I know the schedule doesn't change and we've been doing this for 8 weeks now, but I still have trouble with it. At least there's extra credit!
    I'm sorry your week was pretty rough, especially with your debit card and your car battery. What a hassle! I had someone take my debit card for a shopping spree when I was in France my freshman year of high school. They spent almost $10,000 that I did not have in a day! I freaked, but my bank was great.
    It's cool that you know people who race corvettes, I bet that would b fun to watch!
    Good luck with everything, and try to stay positive. Things will look up! You got this!

    Also, I liked your image and link!

  5. That stinks that someone stole your debit card and you won't get your money back for a while. I'm sure everything will/ has worked out, even though Ramen Noodles might be on the menu for a while. I hope not though. I am glad that you got to see your old friends!! Reunions can be super fun. I hope everything has turned out for the best.

  6. Hi Brittany! I know exactly what you mean about skipping the storytelling post sometimes because you're worried you won't like your writing. I do the exact same thing, and I also am very grateful for the numerous extra credit opportunities. I am sorry to hear about your debit card, that is one of the worst feelings when that happens. The summer after I graduated high school, my bag with my wallet inside was stolen, and unfortunately all of the gift cards that I got for graduation were inside. It just sucks. I'm glad you are getting to catch up with some good friends though!! I love the quote you included, it is so true!
