Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Week 1: A couple of my Favorite Places

Although I have only visited Red River, New Mexico once, when I was in sixth grade, I fell in love with the town and the atmosphere. The town is nestled on a main street surrounded by gorgeous mountains. I did not get to visit during the winter time but I fully intend to go sometime since there are so many beautiful pictures of snow covered mountains. I remember getting to ski lift into the mountains and seeing chipmunks everywhere below me, it was so funny. Also, horseback riding is a must if you ever visit here!
See the street where all the shops and hotels are located in between these big mountains :D

Another favorite place of mine is Italy. I got to go during my senior year with a tour group and two of my best friends and this place inspired me to take Italian in college in hopes of going to live there one day. Now that I have a two year old, I am not so sure I will be able to go after that dream but I am still in awe of the country and hope to return with my little man in the future.
These are some vineyards that I felt were breath taking !
Taken by me, on my camera

1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous picture of Italy, Brittany - and yes, just imagine how it will be even more marvelous to get to back there with your son and share all that with him! How wonderful! I spent a lot of time in Italy when I was in grad school because the professor I was working with was Italian, and I felt so lucky about that - I stayed mostly in Siena, and also got to spend time in Pisa and in Florence. So beautiful! I really hope I will get to go back there again someday... and that you will too! :-)
