-Sampati appeared and his story was easier to understand, it made me happy that he could regrow wings after eating and was able to tell Hanuman where to find Sita
-Hanuman's great leap across the ocean was a great example of his 'power' and the story with the mountain coming up from the sea and he would not stop to rest shows his loyalty and determination
-Defeating Sinhika by changing his size and forcing his body down her throat was interesting, I did not know he could change his size or his form as we see him do with the cat in Lanka
-Lanka as a woman caught me off guard, I guess really anything can happen in this epic! Not sure if Lanka as a woman was just in Hanuman's mind as a metaphor or if she was an actual woman to be defeated
-Pushpaka had a lot of detail, must be a very important chariot since it was so ornate and decorative made by the architect god who makes a lot of things
-The amount of women in that room with Ravana is quite impressive, especially since he has that curse with him, they must really not have respect for themselves if they are always naked and chasing after the same man drinking all the time, they could learn from Sita yet they think she is the crazy one not taking Ravana's offer of love for her
- The demon women who arise in the morning were horrendous in detail, I wonder if that is how the normal woman looks in that city if they are not beautiful and taken by Ravana
- The woman who tells Sita of the dream she had seems to be a nicer lady in this city and hopefully she is shown mercy later on, it would be very scary in Sita's position with women all around her threatening to kill and eat her closing in with weapons...I don't know how she held up and did not go crazy
- Sita seemed a little too friendly with Hanuman than I believe she would have if she had not been away from Rama or a caring person so long, asking him to stay the night with her was kind of out of character in my opinion when Hanuman calls her beautiful she says "Oh Hanuman" like she was swoon or something and when her shoulder is exposed it was an awkward atmosphere that was kind of sexualized I think
-Hanuman I think has feelings for Sita, based on his decision to stay and unleash fury and cause chaos on the city which gets him ultimately caught by Indrajit when he comes out of meditation
- This city seems to bring out the worst in people somehow so it makes sense why Indrajit would be secluded in silence from the rest of the people and have a clear mind on what to do as far as fast and intelligent decision making goes with the capture of Hanuman since he knows he can not be killed
- Vibhishana still saves Hanuman, or at least defies Ravana enough to get exiled
- Flames taking the city is a perfect death I feel since it is the city of the demons
- does everyone including animals drink ??
-Hanuman's description of Sita to Rama is very detailed and gives me a better vision of her as well after this whole book I feel like I know what she looks like in a better way
- Hanuman is a great monkey/man for sticking up for Sita to Rama, it is weird that Rama is so weird toward Sita now though ... I guess time made his love fade which is sad but at least Hanuman convinces him to go kill Ravana!
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